Monday, November 26, 2007

Week #6, Thing #15

No fun toys in this Thing; just reading and thinking.

I think the best things about Library 2.0 are breaking down barriers between libraries and their customers, and libraries being able to respond more quickly to customer needs and wants.

Unfortunately, just because the technology exists doesn't mean it's going to happen automatically. People (i.e. librarians) have to be willing to change the way they think about and do their work, which is much easier for some than for others.

Also, I think we need to be very cautious about letting anyone/everyone contribute to and/or manipulate library data. Any site that is open to contributions from all sources is open to unintentional errors as well as intentional abuse.

Week #6, Thing #14

Claimed my blog on Technorati:

Add to Technorati Favorites

Week #6, Thing #13


Week #5, Thing #12

I create a Rollyo search engine for my favorite exercise video sites:

Powered by Rollyo

Friday, November 23, 2007

Week #5, Thing #11

Library Thing: if I had A LOT more time, I could spent it there.

You can see some of my favorite books in the sidebar.

Week #5, Thing #10

I used Automotivator to create this poster:

I used ImageChef to make this picture of my kitty:

Week #4, Thing #9

Spent a lot of time poking around various Library related blogs mostly through MERLIN, but I also checked out Bloglines Search tool and some others. I subscribed to an interesting looking one called "A Wandering Eyre."

I tried to create an avatar using Meez, but unfortunately didn't have a recent enough version of Java and don't have clearance to download a new version.

Week #4, Thing #8

RSS Feeds: time saved or wasted?

I can see how these subscriptions are really great to keep up on things on the web, if you're going to be looking for them anyway. I'll definitely use them to keep up with my favorite webcomics.

But despite the fact that there are over 50,000,000 blogs on the web, I really haven't seen any that I would want to spend my very limited free time reading. Same goes for the countless news sources, on-line magazines and journals, etc.

My Feeds